IR Library

While progress during Albania’s 20 years of transition has advanced many areas of life and to a certain degree established and developed civil society, the academic realm has unfortunately not cherished the same benefits and level of modernization. Among numerous salient problems and constraints, the quality of literature and teaching curricula, especially in the social science fields, has been a particularly problematic issue. The curricula and texts inherited from the communist regime were not only outdated but also very limited and distorted in their coverage and interpretation. On the other hand, the initial attempts to correct the situation matched other levels of development and did not result in the professional and comprehensive translation of contemporary literature in the respective fields. This lack of curricula has been an obstacle to many of the academic institutions and professors who face significant difficulties in attempts to provide even the basic comprehensive textbooks and recommended materials in their course syllabi, which are currently shaped by very narrow choices. The AIIS Library of International Relations and History intents to fill a few of the gaps in Social Science literatures.

Një komb nën Zotin: Besimi fetar dhe politika në Shtetet e Bashkuara

Ky libër synon t’i paraqesë për herë të parë lexuesit shqiptar një vështrim të përgjithshëm mbi dukurinë e ndikimit të besimit fetar në historinë e Shteteve të Bashkuara të Amerikës qysh në fillim të ekzistencës së tyre, por edhe në peizazhin politik amerikan, sidomos në periudhën prej vitit 1979 e këtej. Në fakt, duke ndjekur nga afër zhvillimet në shoqërinë dhe politikën amerikane, s’mund të mos vihet re se sa e mbrujtur është ajo shoqëri me konceptet biblike dhe kjo jo vetëm në rrethet e besimtarëve, por edhe në vetë kulturën në përgjithësi.

I saw it all - Italy's invasion of Albania

Hugh G. Grant, Chief of the American Mission in Tirana and a firsthand witness to that fateful event, documented the meltdown of the Albanian independence in the weeks and months following the Italian occupation. 

King Zog and the struggle for stability in Albania

As a comprehensive panorama of King Zog's rule in Albania, the book traces King Zog's path towards political power and the challenges faced by him and the country during this troubled period of the Albanian history. He starts by describing the political struggle for power, the efforts to bring stability in Albania and the subsequent demise of Zog’s rule and his legacy. 

Planeti blu në vargonj të gjelbër: Cila rrezikohet, klima apo liria?

The most eminent danger to freedom, democracy and market economy at the beginning of the XXI century is not socialism or communism. It is the ambitious, arrogant and unscrupulous ideology of environmentalism. This is what Vaclav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic, writes in his book, arguing that the environmental movement has been transformed into an ideology that aims to limit human activities and that proposed policies against global warming are economically harmful, especially for weak states.

Shqipëria dhe Kina: Një aleancë e pabarabartë

Elez Biberaj offers his views on the Albania-China relations during their “golden era” (1962-1978). For seventeen years Albania used this alliance as a strategy to pursue and secure its national objectives. This interaction, examined here from the Albanian viewpoint, was made all the more unique by a basic incongruity of interests, a great geographical distance, profound historical and cultural differences and significant disparities in economic and military capabilities. 

Albania and China: An unequal alliance

Elez Biberaj offers his views on the Albania-China relations during their “golden era” (1962-1978). For seventeen years Albania used this alliance as a strategy to pursue and secure its national objectives. This interaction, examined here from the Albanian viewpoint, was made all the more unique by a basic incongruity of interests, a great geographical distance, profound historical and cultural differences and significant disparities in economic and military capabilities. 

Weak States & Security: Rethinking the Balkan Post-Cold War Security Agenda

Following the Cold War’s “peaceful” period and the bloody 1990s, the Balkan region today represents a mixture of weak states and international protectorates, positioned equally far from failure as from eventual success. The study is focused on domestic threats to security, concentrating on the Balkans, and in particular it analyses the range of security problems of Albania and Macedonia.

Albania 1943-1945

The period from 1943 through 1945 is still a vital part of the twenty-first century cultural and political landscape in Albania. This book analyzes the most important events that have occurred during this period and it is mainly based on two documents:  Final report of the German Wehrmacht in Albania and the report of the special mission of the U.S State Department in Albania on the recommendations related to the recognition of the “Albanian Democratic Government “in 1945. 

Shqipëria dhe shqiptarët në udhën e rimëkëmbjes

A collection of 15 essays, articles and speeches that have been published or presented by Mr. Biberaj during his work as journalist and academic. This book offers useful perspectives on the most important historical developments in Albania and Kosovo during the last 30 years. It also gives a sharp analysis of the Albanian issue, both in Albania and Kosovo. There are articles also dedicated to the different phases of post-communist transition in Albania.
