AIIS Newsletter Issue 6 - January 2016

Albania 25 years after: rebuilding the state and society


  • AIIS hosts the International Symposium "Albania 25 years after: rebuilding the state and society”, Read more about participants and topics in “Highlight” pages 1-5
  • Read more about our event and country report "Assessing the risks to national security: the emergence of a new radical Islamic influence in Albania".in “Our events”, pg 6.
  • AIIS was part of the Regional Cooperation Council event - RCC What challenges will 2016 bring for the CSOs in the region?,Read more in “Other activities and contributions”, pg 3.
  • AIIS Researcher travels to Brussels to present for the TRAIN program, Read more in “Other activities and contributions”, pg 3.
  • We host the screening of E-Team, in the framework of Movies that Matter initiative on the Week of Human Rights, “Our events” pg 6.