
Albanians in the Balkans

Albanians in the Balkans

The book is a collection of articles and essays from international experts in the area of International Relations and distinguished Albanian personalities, which were prepared in the context of a debate organized by AIIS in Tirana, 2001. The authors deliberate on the Yugoslav dissolution, the war and the future of Kosovo, the Albanian question, etc. Among the contributors, there are renowned authors such as, Ismail Kadare, Janusz Bugajski, Veton Surroi etc.

The Six Months’ Kingdom: Memoirs of the Private Secretary of Prince William of Wied

The Six Months’ Kingdom: Memoirs of the Private Secretary of Prince William of Wied
Captain D. Heaton-Amstrong

In January 1914 the eccentric adventurer Captain Duncan Heaton-Armstrong, ""on the look out for a more stable career"", applied for the post of Private Secretary to the newly appointed King of Albania--the German Prince William of Wied. Heaton-Armstrong describes, with vibrancy, directness and humor, a miniature royal court in a desperately poor and remote corner of Europe. As the First World War engulfed the Balkans in August 1914, two royal infants were escorted back to Germany by Heaton-Armstrong, who was promptly made the first prisoner of war. His remarkable account has been edited for this, the first general edition.

Dissolution of Yugoslavia and the Case of Kosova: Political and Legal Aspects

Dissolution of Yugoslavia and the Case of Kosova: Political and Legal Aspects
Enver Hasani

This study analyzes the issue of self-determination, territorial integrity and international stability, within the Yugoslav context. However, it is not confined to the Yugoslav case of self-determination alone. The study stretches over other several cases of self-determination and analyzes the historical background of the phenomenon itself. The argument of this dissertation in terms of the history of self-determination is that the phenomenon has gradually crystallized over the last two centuries. In addition, self-determination is viewed in connection with two other issues: territorial integrity and international stability. In fact, these two segments have been and remain intrinsic to every discussion of self- determination. The historical part of the problem also is comprised of scholarly work and the judicial practice that has lead to the final formulation of self-determination as it stands at the present.

Stability Pact: Just Around the Corner

Stability Pact: Just Around the Corner

The book is a collection of papers, essays and articles written with respect to the international symposium “Stability Pact, Perceptions and Realities” (Tirana, 16 April 2000). The articles aim to present viewpoints from member countries of the Stability Pact.  

Democracy and Security: Kosova on the agenda

Democracy and Security: Kosova on the agenda

The book is a collection of articles focused on the peace-building process and stability in an ethnically divided Kosovo. Despite their differences, the authors agreed that democratization of Kosovo was not the only aspect that might that might bring peace to Kosovo, since a cross ethnic reconciliatory process involving the main actors of Kosovo’s society is needed. 

Planeti blu në vargonj të gjelbër: Cila rrezikohet, klima apo liria?

Planeti blu në vargonj të gjelbër: Cila rrezikohet, klima apo liria?
Vaclav Klaus

The most eminent danger to freedom, democracy and market economy at the beginning of the XXI century is not socialism or communism. It is the ambitious, arrogant and unscrupulous ideology of environmentalism. This is what Vaclav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic, writes in his book, arguing that the environmental movement has been transformed into an ideology that aims to limit human activities and that proposed policies against global warming are economically harmful, especially for weak states.
