Working Papers

Albania: 10 years of NATO membership - The impact of NATO membership and the future of security challenges

This paper was presented by Dr. Albert Rakipi during the Conference "70 years of NATO, 10 years of NATO Membership for Albania: Cherishing peace and reflecting on the future challenges of security" held in Tirana on March 21st 2019.

This publication is produced with the support of Hanns-Seidel Foundation. 

AIIS Newsletter Issue 5 - October 2015

IN THIS ISSUE:        

AIIS Newsletter Issue 3 - March 2015

Foreign Policy Forum


  • AIIS proudly announces that it was listed among the best think tanks in the world according to the 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report, read more in pg 1. 
  • Our latest Report: "Albanians and the European Social Model”, Read more in “Highlight”, pg 1-3. 
  • AIIS hosts the Foreign Policy Forum lecture "Talking today’s Kosova domestic and foreign policy" by Hashim Thaci, Minsiter of Foreign Affairs and deputy Prime Minister , Read more in “Our events”, pg 4. 


Albanian immigrants in Athens: Power Relations and Health

Albanian immigrants in Athens: Power Relations and Health
Anna Mousouli

The author examines how power relations affect and shape the position, discourses, and practices of Albanian immigrants in their contact with Greek society and especially the health care system. The author studies the representations of social reality and experiences of the Albanian immigrants in Greece examining the Greek migratory policies, relationships in the labour market, and practices of social exclusion, police violence, etc. The paper emphasizes how social position and power relations determine their status in the health care system, their perception of health and the relationship between the Greek doctor and Albanian immigrant patient. These issues are illustrated through ethnographic data, gathered during fieldwork among Albanian immigrants in Athens.

The Majority that Defeats Us

The Majority that Defeats Us
Henri Çili, Working Paper

The working paper presents a critique of the “single-member district-plurality” electoral system (referred in this paper as the majoritarian electoral system), and argues for the necessity of the proportional system considering the Albanian context and the experiences of the last decade. 

Macedonia and the Albanians: The Confines of Ethnic Politics

Macedonia and the Albanians: The Confines of Ethnic Politics
Aldo Bumçi, Working paper

The security of the Western Balkans depends on the preservation of stability in Macedonia and on the resolution of the Albanian question. The objective of the paper is to shed light on the relation between the Albanian and Macedonian communities in Macedonia and the relations between Albania, Macedonia, and Kosova. 
